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Please read all information regarding Team Deposit Authorizations.


  • The team captain must authorize a $300 team deposit (hold authorization) due within 72 hours of the team committing to the USTA Louisiana Championship via Local League Coordinator but no later than 14 days prior to the start of the state championship.


  • Teams without team deposit authorizations within the referenced time frame may be removed from the draw.


  • The deposit authorization will be held by the USTA Louisiana office until the conclusion of the applicable 2024 USTA Louisiana State Championship.


  • If the team successfully completes the championship (e.g., no defaults), credit card will not be charged and credit card authorization will be voided.


  • If a team withdraws prior to the schedules being published on the championship website, the team’s championship entry fees (minus electronic fees and a $3 processing fee per individual player registration) will be returned if a substitute team has committed to fill the vacancy.


  • If a team withdraws after the schedule is published, or if a team does not successfully complete the USTA Louisiana State Championship, the deposit and all individual player registrations will be forfeited.


  • The situations where the deposit hold will be forfeited, or partially forfeited, is as follows:

    • If a team withdraws after the schedules are published, or if a team does not successfully complete the USTA Louisiana championship, the entire deposit will be forfeited.

    • If a team defaults an individual court/line during the championship, an administrative fee of $50.00 per individual court will be deducted up to the full amount of the deposit. Any remaining funds will be released to the captain.(For example, a team defaults an individual court/line during its Saturday afternoon match. Following the championship, $50.00 will be charged against the deposit hold, $250.00 being released by the USTA Louisiana).


NOTE: Team captains with deposit forfeiture and/or administrative fees for individual defaulted courts/lines may submit a waiver to be exempted from paying fees within two (2) days of the completion of the championship. Waiver requests will be submitted to and reviewed by the USTA Louisiana Adult League Committee and USTA Louisiana Adult League Coordinator. Only cases of “extreme” circumstances will be accepted and/or considered.

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